
Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day weekend and Fall spruce up

What a beautiful Labor Day weekend we're having.  High today about 84 degrees.  The windows are open and I love the fresh air coming in.  The sky is...
a most beautiful blue.  My main reason to photograph it was the canadian geese flying overhead in V formation.  The sun was in my view finder on the camera and I had no idea what I was capturing.  A  beautiful blue sky is just fine in my book.
While photographing the sky, I was standing in a wonderful pumpkin patch. 

The pumpkins are going to be ready early this year at our local farm market.

I love looking out over the field and seeing so many pumpkins in one place!

Some of my photos were taken in afternoon sun while others were taken before noon on another day just to check out what difference lighting makes in a photo.

There are a lot of pumpkin blossoms in the field as well.

The pumpkin patch is the main theme in my home as fall decoration this year. 
I love the burnt orange and russett hues with the deep, dark blue-green of the leaves.
It's a color combination I love to decorate around on the outside of our home too.
This Labor Day weekend, Dennis has painted our old house and it looks wonderful!

He did the outside and I washed the windows and did a little cupboard organization inside.

So much better.

Love shiny, clean windows.

I trimmed and cleaned some shrubbery and am looking forward to putting in a few hardy fall mums to add some color.  I couldn't wait to hang this awesome gift given to me a few years ago by my thoughtful sister-in-laws who took a great road trip to colonial Williamsburg.
This is a unique handmade clay birdhouse.  I'll leave it out for a while this fall and bring it in before it starts to get cold so that it won't crack.  Just couldn't wait to get it up on the house after it's fresh coat of paint.
Thank you Anita, Lenora and Janice.  I love this gift.
The colors of fall.  So beautiful.
Everyone and everything so busy on this gorgeous weekend.  So many butterflys and bees sharing this autumn sedum.
So enjoyable to look out and about and take in the nature around us.  Feeling the lite breezes.
Existing in harmony.
I love this purplish blue color.
Another butterfly to the left and a bee to the right of this photo.

Once inside a little glimpse of my weekend puttering.
A little canned good organization and inventory.
I placed my spices in small baskets for a little more ease in selection.  Spices on the left for baking and spices on the right for savory meals.
I added some shelves so that items could be stored underneath as well as on top so as to be seen at a glance.  So much better to use the heighth as storage space in my pantry.
One good thing about work and their 5S program of "a place for everything and everything in it's place"  is very much rubbing off on me at home.  This weekend has given me a chance to utilize it and put it into use.
Some times we like to stock up on staple items like peanut butter, pickles, mustard, ketchup and such.  Those things have a place in the back of the pantry while other things I'll use everyday like lunch box items go in front for easy access everyday to pack a lunch.
So far, it feels so much better.  I'll definitely keep going.  It will just be at a much slower pace during the coming week.
It all adds up to be...

a humble, comfortable place to be and take in those gifts others so generously and lovingly gave to me.
Thank you, Jean for this sweet ceramic house.  It's on the shelf to enjoy and remember the day we were working on blogging together.  That was an awesome day!
Thank you everyone, for gifts that keep on giving!
Enjoy your fall as safely as possible and seek all it's possibilities.

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